I’m astonished by the brilliance, thoughtfulness, creativity, and resilience of the young people I have the pleasure of knowing and working with. I’m also aware of how challenging it is to be a young person these days. Along with all the normal developmental tasks of this stage of life, this cohort are emerging into adulthood with multiple systemic challenges within economic, environmental, political, health, and social justice contexts. It’s a lot and they are feeling it.
Many young adults have been reaching out to me lately for support with figuring out their direction and next steps. I thought I’d share a few ideas from a life design perspective that might be a helpful starting place when navigating educational, career, and other life transitions.
1. There isn’t one right direction or life for you.
There are many different versions of your life that you can equally happily live. Did you know that, on average, we can happily live 7.5 different versions of our life? You may even live several different versions in your lifetime, so this is just where you are for now. Find comfort in knowing that you don’t need to make ‘The One Right Decision’.
2. You’re not falling behind.
There’s a lot of pressure on young adults to adhere to a rigid timeline and measure their worth and success by how closely they are in line with it. Your life is your own unique creation with a timeline of its own.
‘If you see your path laid out in front of you, step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take’ - J. Campbell.
Most importantly, please know that your value and worth are inherent and not determined by anything external to you.
3. You don’t need to have a passion to build a good life.
Most people don’t have a singular clear passion, and you don’t need one to have a life of joy, meaning, and purpose. Rather than worrying about not having a passion, clarify your values and identify what you find most energizing and engaging. This will help guide you as you begin designing and building your life.
4. Be brave and try things.
When you feel stuck, or you’re unsure of your direction, talk to people and try things. This is prototyping and it will help you gather information, explore your ideas, and gain insights. Practice seeing your life as a project that you get to design and build.
5. You are a work in progress.
Young adulthood is a period of important growth and change. Our brains continue developing and maturing into our late 20’s. Allow yourself time to explore different career and educational options. It’s okay to change your direction if what you’re doing doesn’t feel like a good fit. Your future self will thank you.
6. The joy of curiosity
Curiosity is a helpful antidote to the anxiety that can come from feeling stuck or unsure of your direction. If you’re worrying about what to do, try to frame your worried thoughts as ‘I wonder what…?’, or ‘I wonder how…?’ Maintain a mindset of curiosity as you gather information, consider options, and explore possible next steps.
Proud of you for doing your best in a challenging world!