Finding the edges

Finding the edges

We’ve been talking about edges in our life design sessions lately. It’s been a useful lens for looking at both our inner life – our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and ideas – and our lived experience in the world as life designers and creative collaborators. In natural settings, edges provide a nourishing environment where life flourishes, and is abundant and diverse. The ‘edge effect’ is an ecological concept that describes the greater diversity of life along the edges where two adjacent ecosystems overlap. At the edge, you will find life from both ecosystems flourishing, as well as unique species that aren’t found in either ecosystem, but are specially adapted to the conditions of the transition area between the two edges.

We can see evidence of the richness of edges all around us in diverse contexts and environments. Where forests meet grasslands or clearings, pioneer species thrive and create the conditions for other life to flourish. In riparian areas, where rivers wind through the land, life is rich in biodiversity. Reef ecologies, where coral meets sea, are some of the most highly productive ecosystems on earth. In our own bodies, we benefit from the edges created by the winding pattern of our digestive system, as we are able to absorb more nutrients from our food. The value of edges is also apparent in traditional human settlements, as they were often established where two ecosystems meet – along rivers, lakes and oceans, between foothills and plains, and at the edge of forests. We continue to seek out and be drawn to real and imagined edges.

‘Use the edges and value the margins’ is a core principle of permaculture. The patterns found in nature have shown us that we can improve the productivity of our farms and gardens by establishing more edges. Using creative patterns, like keyhole and mandala gardens, increases diversity and productivity. As with permaculture,  in life design we look to patterns in nature for guidance and knowledge, and reflect on our own personal edges and the edges we share with others.

In our life design courses, we explore and expand the edges of our creativity, bravery, ideas and innovation, knowledge and insight, compassion, empathy, and joy, and we nurture collaborations that support diversity and novelty. When we are designing and building our lives, we move toward and expand the edges that provide nourishing conditions. We strive to increase those edges where we will flourish, and experience new ways of thinking and being. As collaborators, we extend ourselves to one another and create unique spaces that we fill with our shared ideas, knowledge, inspiration, and vision. And as our edges shift and expand, and we lean into those spaces, we find new ways to create a richer and edgier world.

Love to hear your thoughts about edges. How do you respond and relate to the edges in your life? In what ways do you work to expand your edges to create greater authenticity, meaning, and joy? Do you seek out collaborations that will create new and unique opportunities? Is there a shift in your mindset that would allow you to increase and expand your edges?

Please get in touch anytime. We’d love to have you join our life design community!


The value of reframing

The value of reframing

Question Bursts, Brainstorming, and Life Design