‘If you see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path’ ~ J. Campbell
These are the steps we walk through in our life design sessions and courses. They are based on a range of research, training, and direct experience with students and clients over the years. Each step follows a series of activities and reflections, and is guided by curiosity, appreciative inquiry, and design thinking.
Step 1. Observing
Start where you are
You will begin by observing and building empathy for where you are and how things are going in each of the core areas of your life. You will be creating a snapshot of your life at present using a constructive approach to identifying ‘what’s on your plate’. This helps you to know where you are before you begin to move in the direction you would like to go.
Step 2. Defining your guiding question
What is your guiding question?
Your guiding question is your area of focus ~ the problem or question you are addressing. Clarifying your guiding question will ensure that you know what problem you are working on, and what solution you are seeking.
Step 3. Finding your why
What are your core values and preferences?
Your core and enduring values and preferences are the ‘why’ of your actions. They represent what is most important and meaningful to you. When you align your values with what you do, and who you are, you will be building a cohesive and purposeful life. There will be a ‘good fit’. Values provide a stable directional guide as you navigate your way through transitions and decisions.
Step 4. Generating ideas
What ideas can you generate, imagine, and explore?
Generating ideas is a great way to get ‘unstuck’ and gain mastery of finding solutions. When it comes to idea generation, quantity is the most predictable path to quality. Mind mapping and brainstorming are visual approaches to generating and exploring many new and interesting ideas, capturing your thoughts, and refining your thinking.
Step 5. Prototyping and iterating
What are the many ways you can gather information about your ideas and questions?
Prototyping and fact-finding conversations are valuable and low risk approaches to gathering essential and real world information about your ideas before you make any decisions.
Step 5. Stewardship
How can you be a compassionate and gentle steward of yourself while you are designing and building your life?
Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Practicing stewardship of yourself allows you to move forward with courage, creativity, and resilience. Mindfulness, reframing limiting and harmful beliefs, and setting clear boundaries with yourself and others are a few approaches we will discuss.
Step 7. Refining your decision making
How can you refine your discernment and decision making?
Discernment is decision making that employs more than one way of knowing. Understanding the decision-making process, and what approach works best for you, can help you improve your ability to make decisions well.
Step 8. Telling your story
How can you share your story to build connections and collaborations?
It’s our stories that allow us to imagine possibilities, connect with others and build collaborative networks, make meaning of our lives, and explore our many perspectives and lenses.